Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't Be Alarmed !!!

Dear Fellow Blog Followers,

Back in the middle of June, Kevin went out on a Saturday morning to run some errands.  While he was gone, one of the smoke detectors in the house started to beep and then stopped.  A short while later, all 9 smoke detectors went off with their high pitch piercing sound “singing” like crazy which lasted about 15 minutes long.

I checked upstairs and downstairs and there was no reason for them all to go off.  Then they all stopped... only for about 20 minutes, and then they all started the emergency sound again.  This continued as I waited for Kevin to come home.  So, all went off about 4 times before Kevin got home.  I knew he would not believe me if I called him on his cell, so I just waited for him to come home.  Of course even as I told him what happened he did not believe me.  I showed him the one that I tried to disconnect and as I was showing him, they all went off again.

So Kevin called the landlord who suggested to call ADT (no luck there as they did not have record of installing them).  Then Kevin called Milestone Electric who luckily found someone to come out and take a look.  With the landlord’s permission, Milestone replaced all 9 units with new ones.  Thank goodness they all went off while the technician was standing in our living room.  The old ones were a cheap model and he installed a better model.  It sure makes us feel better knowing they are new.  The old ones were probably the initial ones installed when the house was built in 2001.  The technician said you should put new ones in every 8-10 years.  The landlord paid the bill (thank goodness). Hoish!!!

Check Your Smoke Detectors !!!

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