Dear Fellow Blog Followers,
Does anyone else out there have a problem with the sticky labels that are pasted on newly purchased items??? I personally hate them and wish they would ban all sticky labels. I really like the ones that come off in one piece with no sticky residue left behind as an annoyance. I even like the ones that are attached with that rubbery glue that is fun to play with once you "roll" it off the item... again no residue!
Maybe you will all agree with me when I say that "guys" created these really sticky labels. They did it so that they can drive women insane trying to clean the sticky crap off.
We have bought some new stuff here and, of course, everything had really sticky labels. I do have a product that I use to get the labels/residue off which works wonders and there are no scratches left on the item. However, this product is sold in the hardware stores (Home Depot) - yes, that's right... a "guys" store!!!
So the "guys" create the sticky labels and they make more money by selling the Goo Gone to get the sticky crap off!! Great plan!!!
Amazing Stuff!!!
Notice they sell it in 10 Gallon bottles!!! |
Goo Gone!!!